Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Discrimination in the Workforce Problem-Resolution Essay

Discrimination in the Workforce Problem-Resolution - Essay Example Now let us see what may be the goal to be formulated by the leader to achieve a better result where the problem of discrimination arises. AIM/GOAL The best way to combat workplace discrimination is to prevent it from happening in the first place. So the first and foremost aim or goal should be always ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Henry Kissinger US diplomat & scholar; national security advisor 1969-1975; Secretary of State 1973-1977; Nobel Prize in Peace 1973 3Solution for the discrimination of the workforce revolving around the elimination of the so called discrimination of work force in the workplace. OBJECTIVE It is vital for any organization to formulate the objectives to attain the above said goals.The desired objectives should be, 1. To achieve a change in someone's life and to improve their life opportunities, 2. To keep an accelerate quality of life for someone as long as possible in the face of infirmity and adversity, 3. To keep people safe from harm and harming themselves to others. (2) To achieve these objectives which are aim to eradicate the discrimination of workforce in the workplace some strategies must be brought in. STRATEGIES 1. To educate and make the leaders and the workers aware of their rights and...But the employer or leader is the sole and prime body to prevent such inactivity right before the outburst of the crisis for the well being of his dependents and also for the benefit of the company. As Henry Kissinger (1) the task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have not been. So for a leader it is import display varied leadership styles according to the demands of the diverse situations. To prevent the problems like discrimination of workforce and safe guard the interest of the employees the leader has to acquire the tactics like vision, strategy, communication, buy-in, motivation, empowerment etc. Besides he has to plan an overall goal to achieve the thriving end and also he must have precise objectives to gain this goal. Now let us see what may be the goal to be formulated by the leader to achieve a better result where the problem of discrimination arises. 3. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC),(2004) in Annual Federal Sector EXCEL Program for Government Employees, Managers, and Union Officials from August 30 to September 2, 2004 in Las Vegas, Nevada. disability. A strong prevention program helps employers comply with the law and breaks down barriers to employment opportunities.

Monday, October 28, 2019

History of design Essay Example for Free

History of design Essay The design history is commonly defined as the study of the objects in their stylish and historical context. This includes social, economical, technical, Cultural and aesthetic. The history of design has in it the study of all designed objects including the fashions, interiors, graphics designs, industrial and product design. The history of design has to incorporate the heroic criticism of its discipline in material culture establishment. History of design has played a major role in understanding the forma used methods of doing work until the discovery and innovations of machines in the 19th and 20th century. The role of machine in 19th and 20th century Machine is the most defining entity in the 19th and 20th century. Its entrance in the turn of the centuries was significance to the modern age and was facilitated by energy and its productivity. The innovation of the machines contributed to many changes including the shifting of people from the rural areas to the urban areas. This made people see the world in different perspective and felt as if everything was possible. The innovation of the machine had an effect to the labor practices. The aspect on which the work was being done changed, machines was viewed a savior as it would do more work at a shorter time compared to human and animals. The cultivation and tilling of land was made easy as machines would different types of work under control of one person and hence increased production. The labor practices on the other hand had some negative impact in the innovation of machines. The work that several people would be hired to do, would be done by one machine therefore contributing to the losing of jobs. (Dee, 2005) Industrial design can be defined as an applied art where aesthetic of large quantity of produced products can be improved for marketing. The industrial designer role is creating and executing design and solutions for problems of form, engineering, brand development, usability, sales and user ergonomics. The introduction of machine in the industrial design enables the given firm a chance to have mass production of products. In the 19th and 20 nth century, the introduction of machines enabled the crafts firms have more production therefore increasing profit margins. With the introduction of machines, some countries were able to put themselves in a competitive footing with other countries that had the same level of innovation. (Arthur, 1988) According to the Carma Gorman, an industrial design reader, logo has a shouting power to market the industry. The industrial designer should take into consideration the distinctiveness of the company in the market which may be determined by the designed logo. As the work of the designer is to create all the solutions that would ensure the industry has a competitive footage with others of the same field. Gorman, 2003) Innovation of machines increased efficiency in doing work. Much work could be done with the innovation of machine and be completed in a shorter time compared to work done manual. Due to high power production by the machine, some of the hard task could be done that could have otherwise required some people to accomplish. Besides doing difficult tasks, machine would do more work effectively compared to human or man power. Due to effectiveness of the machines, it was easy to predict how much work would be done and how much time would be taken to accomplish the task. Ornament is decoration detail that is mostly used to decorate or beautify part of a building or the interior furnishing. As this is done on various surfaces ranging from soft to hard surfaces like on stones, wood, metal, clay and plaster, it would require a machine to this king of work. Before the innovation of machines, this was done by hand which consumed much time and energy. The introduction of machines helped in making more complex designs on clothes, ceramics, furnishers, metalwork and on clay. (John, 1963) Machines have strengthened the cultural identity and have increased our standard of living by creating wealth in the economy. In the hierarchy of designs have gone to an extent of explaining how helpful machines are to our modern life. There has been a continued development and need for the machines to do the most complex work that cannot be done without the help of the machine. (Baker, 2007), Conclusions The innovation of machines has helped in the formation new tread of performing different duties. It was through the introduction of machine more complex work was done in a short time. This helped in improving on efficiency and increase in the quantity production.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

An Analysis of Paul Laurence Dunbars We Wear the Mask :: We Wear the Mask Essays

An Analysis of Paul Laurence Dunbar's We Wear the Mask It has been said many time that "You can't judge a book by its cover" and "Don't judge a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes"? A person may appear one way on the outside but may be feeling the total opposite on the inside. He may be masking his true emotions with a false appearance. In "We Wear the Mask" it seems that Paul Laurence Dunbar is conveying this message to his audience. The African-American slaves of the early United States are prime examples of how emotions can be repressed. This group of people was treated with such disrespect and humiliation that it is understandable why they would mask their true thoughts and their emotions. To make their daily lives easier, they spoke and acted the ways that their white owners dictated. Their lives had, to a point, been taken away from them. But, there were some things that could never be taken away from them: their inner strength and their spirituality. No matter how a slave was treated, how hard he had to work, or how little he had, hedid have total control of his own thoughts and beliefs. Those things could never be taken from him. This poem cries out with the hurt that African-Americans, throughout history, suffered with. To be able to endure this daily persecution, these people had to draw on their inner strength. When Dunbar wrote,"With torn and bleeding hearts we smile," it is obvious of the agony felt and of how a smile is sometimes worn in order to camouflage one's true emotions. A deep, religious faith was a saving grace to these people as a whole. One's spirituality can carry them through even the most dreadful situations. This idea is evident when Dunbar penned the lines, "we smile,but, O great Christ, our cries To thee from tortured souls arise." When all else had failed, slaves could pray and feel that God had heard them. At last, their cries would be heard, their prayers answered, andtheir hearts relieved. We all have hide our emotions at one time or another. We put on false faces and pretend for many different reasons. We all lie, in one form or another, be it a big lie or a little white one. Whether it be to save our self or the feelings of another we should all remember the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you (Luke 6:31).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Essay on Identity in Huckleberry Finn -- Adventures Huckleberry Huck F

The Development of Identity in Huckleberry Finn In the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry , by Mark Twain, the main character enters into a transitional period of his life. This character, Huck Finn, faces many situations in which he is forced to deal with decisions that foster with in them the ability to bring about change. Since transition is the process of entering change, Huck is searching for an identity which is truly his own. In determining his self image, Huck deals with conformity and freedom, trying on different identities that do not belong to him, and enveloping and shaping these new found attributes into an identity which best suits his "deformed conscience." The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn begins with Huck under the care of Widow Douglas. Since Huck is so used to being unencumbered, "He sees the widow Douglas' protection solely in terms of confinement"(WHIT 156). This is unacceptable to Huck because he, "loses his freedom amid 'the bars and shackles of civilization"(WHIT 156). According to Susan Harris, "the sensory world exists beyond the narrow conventions of the human community and it is the place for the regeneration of the soul"(78). To put it in simpler terms Huck belongs out under the stars where he will not be bound by the community. The next impedance in which Huck is faced with is the untimely return of his drunkard father. His father was merely stopping through to steal money from his son. So since he did not care for his son much, Pap did not feel the least bit inclined to treat his son with any respect. So Huck once again faces confinement, except this time it is in a log cabin. This time, "the only release is escape, flight and effacement of the identity through which bot... ...s own, and enveloping and forming these new found attributes in to a an identity which best suits his "deformed conscience." III Body Huck versus Conformity-Freedom * 1.Huck's stay with Widow Douglas * 2.The flight from Pap * 3.The Raft Trying on Different Identities * 1.Huck's "Death" * 2.The beginning of Huck's quest for himself * 3.Other examples of characters from the novel Deformed Conscience(Good vs. Bad) * 1.Huck's religion * 2.Huck and Jim * 3.Huck needs a family IV Conclusion Huck encounters various situations in which he learns to adapt and react to each situation in a way he feels suitable. Through these experiences Huck learns and overcomes boundaries. Huck combines his learned knowledge into an identity which suits him and thus creates a conscience with which he is comfortable.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Air Transportation history

Since the invention of air planes few decades ago, air travelling has become famous among travellers. When the air transportation was first introduced in 1903 by the Wright Brothers, many people could not travel using it because it was expensive. But after few decades, technology has improved and air transportation is being widely used all around the world. Most of the countries has built airports and has their own airline companies. Today, due to rivalry among airline companies air travelling has become much cheaper.As a result, cheap air travelling has advantages and disadvantages for us, our country and to the world. Firstly, the main benefit of cheap air travel is that it is cheap. So it allows all the people to travel around the world. Those days only the rich people could use air travelling, but now even the ordinary people also can use it to travel, pursue their studies, do business, and go for a vacation. It is not surprising that most people wish to travel to distant land, a country far away but travelling cost lots of money.So the people need to reconsider their travel plans since flight rates are way too high back then. Today, due to competition among airline companies, they are offering cheap flight rates that consumers like us could afford. It also helps maintain long distance relationship. Before the IT technology is developed, air transportation is the only option people who live on the other end the world keep in touch with their loved ones. Although cheap air travel allows everybody to travel, air planes causes air pollution and sound pollution.Since air planes burns hydrocarbon fuel, it releases greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides. The greenhouse gases causes global warming and the effects of global warming is polar ice caps melting, increased probability and intensity of droughts and heat waves, warmer waters and more hurricanes, spread of diseases and economic consequences. Air planes also causes sound pollution which effects hearing impairment, hypertension, heart diseases and annoyance sleep disturbance.Furthermore, the chances of surviving when a plane crash is lower than any other transportation. In addition, most of the airports are build outside of the city,so once the people get off the plane, they still need to travel to reach the city. Finally, cheap air travel also saves time. Long ago people travel using horses, camels, elephants, boats and ships but it takes days to reach a place. Now, air travel helps us to reach a far place or country just in hours. Besides that, air transportation enerates almost 32 million jobs annually and contributes almost 7. 5 percents of the world’s GDP which is a huge profit. Moreover, air transportation is the fastest worldwide transport system which is one the key factor of economic growth. In conclusion, cheap air travel saves time and money for the people and increases the economic growth in our country although it causes air pollution. So, the g overnment should some solution to neutralise the greenhouse gases released by planes which causes global housewarming.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Guestimate The line and the angle Essay Example

Guestimate The line and the angle Essay Example Guestimate The line and the angle Essay Guestimate The line and the angle Essay Essay Topic: The Guest 1- I predict that if people are good at guessing the length of a line they will be good at guessing the degrees of an angle. 2- I predict that the higher the schooling year the better the estimate. Target population I have decided to investigate within the schooling ages of 7 and 9 firstly because these are easily available to collect due to having timetables and knowing where all the students will be when needed to guestimate. Another reason for picking students between these ages is that it is a big enough variety to draw conclusions from, and decide whether the amount of school really does improve the ability to guess the size of a line or angle. I will not be asking every year group as this will take up too much time and will not be necessary. I will be asking years 7, 9 and 11 this gives a big enough range of the amount of school experienced without asking every year. : Study Population I have chosen to get a list of the students in years 7, 9 and 11 and then ask every fourth person on the list this will the give a quarter of each year being asked which is enough to draw conclusions from. I am not going to ask everyone in the three selected years because this would take to long and it is not compulsory to get the information I need. Aims I will prove my hypothesis true or false by asking the selected people to guess the length of a line or size of an angle and then find the mean median mode for each year and draw graphs. I will also draw a graph relating their guess of the size of an angle to their guess of the length of a line. To gain fairly accurate results we will not let the pupils take the sheets away whilst guessing we will stay with them so there is no chance of using a rule or protractor. Possible things that may go wrong is that after we have asked one person they may go back and explain to the other people their opinion of the sizes that may give bias results to prevent this we will not tell them the actual answer. Results Year 7 Estimate of line Estimate (cms) 2 4? 4 6 ? 6 8 ? 8 10 ? 10 12 ? 12 14 ? 14 16 ? 16 18 ? 18 20 ? Totals Frequency 17 15 6 5 1 2 46 Mid-interval value 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 Frequency x mid-interval value 51 75 42 45 11 0 0 0 38 262 Mean = 262/46 = 5.70 Modal group = 2 4? Median is approximately 5cms Estimate (?) 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 70 70 80 80 90 90 100 Totals Frequency 3 10 12 12 1 1 2 4 1 46 Mid-interval value 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 Frequency x mid-interval value 45 250 420 540 55 65 150 340 95 1960 Range = 2-20 = 18 Estimate of angle Mean = 1960/46 = 42.61 Modal group = 30 50? Median is approximately 38? Range = 10-100 = 90 Year 9 Estimate of line Estimate 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 12 14 14 16 16 18 18 20 Totals Frequency 6 23 6 5 0 0 0 0 0 40 Mid-interval value 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 Frequency x mid-interval value 18 115 42 45 0 0 0 0 0 220 Mean = 220/40 = 5.50 Modal group = 4 6? Median is approximately 5cms Range = 2 10 =8 Estimate of angle Estimate 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 70 70 80 80 90 90 100 Totals Frequency 0 3 10 23 1 1 0 0 2 40 Mid-interval value 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 Frequency x mid-interval value 0 75 350 1035 55 65 0 0 190 1770 Mean = 1770/40 = 44.25 Modal group = 40 50? Median is approximately 43? Range = 20 100 =80 Year 11 Estimate of line Estimate 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 12 14 14 16 16 18 18 20 Totals Frequency 3 29 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 Mid-interval value 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 Frequency x mid-interval value 9 145 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 168 Mean = 168/34 = 4.94 Modal group = 4 6? Median is approximately 4.5cms Range = 2-8 = 6 Estimate of angle Estimate 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 70 70 80 80 90 90 100 Totals Frequency 0 6 11 16 1 0 0 0 0 34 Mid-interval value 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 Frequency x mid-interval value 0 150 385 720 55 0 0 0 0 1310 Mean = 1310/34 = 38.53 Modal group = 40 50? Median is approximately 40? Range = 20 60 = 40 To find if my first hypothesis is true I will draw a scatter graph of all the estimates of year 7. 9 and 11 students. I will have boundaries on the graph, from 3 6cms this will be classed as a good estimate of the line, 30 45? this will be a good estimate of the angle. I will shade these areas to investigate if students who are good at estimating the line are good at estimating the angle. I drew Cumulative frequency graphs of the results above this will show how consistent the estimates were. I will see how close to the actual the median is, and the smaller the inter-quartile range the more consistent the estimates will be. If my second hypothesis is correct the inter-quartile range should be larger for year 7 students and should be slightly smaller for year 9 students but year 11 students should have the smallest inter-quartile range. Under the cumulative frequency graphs I will draw box and whisker charts these will give a better picture of the size of the upper and lower quartiles of the graph and will show more how consistent the estimates were. Standard deviation Year 7 line 3.54cm Year 9 line 1.72cm Year 11 line 0.71cm Year 7 angle 16.40? Year 9 angle 13.85? Year 11 angle 8.00? This proves my hypothesis correct that the higher the academic year the better the estimate. With standard deviation the closer to 1 the result is the less spread out the results and the more consistent they are, showing a more educated estimates in the higher years. The higher the year in both angle and line the standard deviation becomes closer to 1. Whilst investigating my first two hypothesis 1: I predict that if people are good at guessing the length of a line they will be good at guessing the degrees of an angle. 2: I predict that the higher the year the better the estimate. I noticed a difference in the results from different sets so I have prepared a new hypothesis 3: I predict that the higher the set the better the estimate of the length of a line and the degrees of an angle. To investigate this hypothesis I will work out the Mean median mode and range for set 1, 3 and 5 students in years 7, 9 and 11 I will then compare and draw conclusions from this information Set 1 Estimate of the line Estimate 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 12 14 14 16 16 18 18 20 Totals Frequency 5 9 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 Mid-interval value 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 Frequency x mid-interval value 15 45 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 81 Mean = 4.76 Modal group = 4 6? Median is approximately 4.5 Range =2 8 Estimate of angle Estimate 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 70 70 80 80 90 90 100 Totals Frequency 1 4 3 9 0 0 0 0 0 17 Mid-interval value 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 Frequency x mid-interval value 15 100 105 405 0 0 0 0 0 625 Mean = 36.76 Modal group = 40 50? Median is approximately 40? Range = 10 50? Set 3 Estimate of line Estimate 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 12 14 14 16 16 18 18 20 Totals Frequency 0 13 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 19 Mid-interval value 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 Frequency x mid-interval value 0 65 28 9 11 0 0 0 0 113 Mean = 5.95 Modal group = 2 4? Median is approximately 5.5 Range = 4 12 Estimate of angle Estimate 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 70 70 80 80 90 90 100 Totals Frequency 0 3 4 10 1 0 0 1 0 19 Mid-interval value 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 Frequency x mid-interval value 0 75 140 450 55 0 0 85 0 805 Mean = 42.37 Modal group = 40 50? Median is approximately 43? Range = 20 90? Set 5 Estimate of line Estimate 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 12 14 14 16 16 18 18 20 Totals Frequency 5 7 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 18 Mid-interval value 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 Frequency x mid-interval value 15 35 0 54 0 0 0 0 0 104 Mean = 5.78 Modal group = 4 6? Median is approximately 5cm Range = 2 10cm Estimate of an angle Estimate 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 70 70 80 80 90 90 100 Totals Frequency 0 4 3 8 0 0 1 1 1 18 Mid-interval value 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 Frequency x mid-interval value 0 100 105 360 0 0 75 85 95 820 Mean = 45.56 Modal group = 40 50? Median is approximately 42? Range = 20 100? Conclusion Hypothesis 1 = I predict that if people are good at guessing the length of a line they will be good at guessing the degrees of an angle. Scatter graph from the scatter graph I found out that my hypothesis was nearly always correct I had 9 points of year 7 students that were good at estimating the line but not at estimating the angle (green area) so this proved my hypothesis wrong. 7 points on the graph were year 7 students that were good at estimating the angle but not the line (yellow area) this also proved my hypothesis wrong. There were 13 points in the pencil shaded area this meant that they were good at estimating the line and the angle. There were 5 points of year 7 students that were neither good at estimating the line or at estimating the angle this proved my hypothesis was right. 9 + 7 =16 this is how many points made my hypothesis wrong. 13 + 5 = 18 this is how many points of the year 7 estimate proved my hypothesis was correct. 52% of the year 7 points proved my hypothesis correct. Of the year 9 students there were no points on the graph that showed they were better at estimating the line than the angle. Although there were 4 points on the graph that showed year 9 students were better at estimating the angle than the line (yellow area). 16 points on the graph were that year 9 students estimated the line and the angle well (pencil shaded area). 6 points on the graph showed that they were neither good at estimating the line or the angle. 4 points proved hypothesis wrong. 16 + 6 = 22 this is how many points proved my hypothesis was correct. 81% of the points of year 9 students proved my hypothesis correct. Of the year 11 students there were 6 points on the graph that showed year 11 students were better at estimating the line than the angle (yellow shaded area). This proved my hypothesis wrong. There were no points in the yellow shaded area showing that they could estimate the angle better than the line. 2 points on the graph were neither good at estimating the line or the angle, although there were 17 points that were good at both hypothesis and line this proved my hypothesis correct. 6 points proved wrong, 2 + 17 = 19 proved hypothesis correct. 76% of the points on the graph proved my hypothesis correct Overall 76% + 81% + 52% = 209%/3 = 70% proved my hypothesis correct. I found out that year 9 students were better at estimating the angle that the line as there were no points that showed they were better at estimating the line. I found out that year 11 students were better at estimating the line as there were no points showing that they were better at estimating the angle. 5 points in year 7 were neither good at estimating the line or the angle, 6 points were good at neither in year 9 and 2 point6s were good at neither in year 11 this backs up my hypothesis that The higher the year the better the estimate. These results are not reliable because there were not even numbers of year 7,9 and 11 pupils and the points on the scatter graph may have been swayed if 2 or more members of the same year had guessed the same point because it was only marked once. Second hypothesis I predict that the higher the year the better the estimate. Cumulative frequency graphs Year 7 angle On the graph the median was 40? this was very close to the actual result although on the graph the inter-quartile range was 17.5? this shows the estimates were not very consistent you can see this better on the box and whisker chart underneath the boxes are fairly big. Year 7 line On the graph the median is 4.5 this is what the actual answer was although on the graph the inter-quartile range was 4.4cm this shows the estimates were not very constant. The boxes of the box and whisker chart are large. Year 9 line The median is 37.5 this is very close to the actual answer, the inter-quartile range is 15? this shows that the estimates are more consistent than the year 7 estimates this backs up my hypothesis the higher the year the better the estimate. Year 9 angle The median on this graph is 4.75cm this is very close to the actual but not as close as year 7 estimates as that was exactly on 4.5cm this proves my hypothesis wrong. The inter-quartile range was 3cm this is smaller that on the year 7 cumulative frequency graph, the boxes on the box and whisker chart are smaller than on the year 7 graph this shows that the estimates were more consistent which proves my hypothesis correct. Year 11 line The median is 40? this is the same as year 7 median but not as close as the year 9 median so this proves my hypothesis wrong. The inter-quartile range is 11.25? this is smaller than all the other inter-quartile ranges which proves my hypothesis is correct. Year 11 angle The median is 4.75cm this is the same as year 9 but not close as year 7 this proves my hypothesis wrong this may be because the estimates were very consistent but just scattered closely around the actual result. The inter-quartile range is 1cm this is very consistent and proves that my hypothesis was correct. The boxes on the box and whisker chart were very closer together by looking at this you can see how consistent the estimates were. I predict that the higher the year the better the estimate. I investigated the means of years 7,9 and 11s estimates of the line and angle Year of mean Mean of line (cm) Mean of angle (?) 7 5.70 42.61 9 5.50 44.25 11 4.94 38.53 The actual size of the line was 4.5cm so as the higher the year the better the estimate of the line this proves my hypothesis. The actual size of the angle was 38? so Year 11 students were better at estimating the angle although the year 7 mean was better than the year9 mean this proves my hypothesis wrong this may have been because we did not use a large enough sample, or because the mean was found from a frequency table which is only an estimate because we dont actually know the exact values of all the estimates from this. I also investigated the modal group to see if most the estimates were made in the correct group. Year Modal group (line) Modal group (angle) 7 2 4? 30 40? and 40 50? 9 4 6? 40 50? 11 4 6? 40 50? Year 7 was the only year that the modal group of the line that actually contained the correct answer. I found two modal groups for year 7 one of them contained the correct answer and years 9 and 11 modal groups both contained the correct answer this did not prove my hypothesis. I investigated the median to see if it got closer to the correct number the higher the year. Year Median (line) Median (angle) 7 5 38 9 5 43 11 4.5 40 Year 7 estimated the median exactly correct for the angle. The estimate of the line got better the higher the year although year 7 and 9 were the same. I investigated the range to see if the estimates became any more consistent as the year got higher. Year Range (line) Range (angle) 7 18 90 9 8 80 11 6 40 The consistency did become better as the year got higher This proves that my hypothesis was correct The higher the year the better the estimate. Not all these tables prove my hypothesis correct especially year 9 proved it wrong this may have been because we might of asked a lot of lower set year 9s due to systematic sampling so I will investigate the effect of the set on the estimate. I investigated the means of sets 1,3 and 5 estimates of the line and angle Set of mean Mean of line (cm) Mean of angle (?) 1 4.76 36.76 3 5.95 42.37 5 5.78 45.56 Set 1 is the best set and set 5 is the worst out of the three sets we have investigated. The actual size of the line was 4.5cm so as the better the set the better the estimate of the line apart from set 5 has a better mean than set 3 this proves my hypothesis wrong. The actual size of the angle was 38? so The higher the set the better the estimate this proves my hypothesis correct. I also investigated the modal group to see if most the estimates were made in the correct group. Set Modal group (line) Modal group (angle) 1 ;4 6? ;40 50? 3 ;2 4? ;40 50? 5 ;4 6? ;40 50? Set 1 and set 5 had the correct modal group but set 3 had the modal group too low. All the sets had the modal group for the angle too high as the correct answer would have been ;30 40? this has no effect on my hypothesis. I investigated the median to see if it got closer to the correct number the higher the year. Set Median (line) Median (angle) 1 4.5 40 3 5.5 43 5 5 42 Set one median of the line was exactly correct this helps prove my hypothesis correct. Set 5 median of the line was closer to the actual than set 3 I have found that set 5 are better at estimating the line than set 3. Again set 1 was closer to the actual but then set 5 was second best with set three being the worst. I investigated the range to see if the estimates became any more consistent as the year got higher. Set Range (line) Range (angle) 1 6 40 3 8 70 5 8 80 The range was smallest for set one this proves that my hypothesis was correct because the estimates were more consistent. The range of the angle proves my hypothesis was correct, as it is smaller for set 3 than it is for set 5. The range of the line for set 3 and 5 are the same this does not prove that my hypothesis was correct or wrong. I found out that set 5 students were better at estimating the line than set 3 students other than that my hypothesis was correct.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Love And Sacrifice

Good morning everyone. Today I am going to speak on love and sacrifice. My examples of love and sacrifice are from the book â€Å"Jillaroo† by Rachael Treasure, the song â€Å"Butterfly Kisses† by Bob Carlisle, and the movie â€Å"Ring of fire† produced by Paramount pictures. In the story â€Å"Jillaroo†, there are many forms of love and Sacrifice. Rebecca Saunders sacrifices her place on the family’s property â€Å"Water’s Meeting† to get away from her father. While working on a station in the Northern Territory as a Jillaroo, Rebecca falls in love with a man named Charlie Lewis (AKA. Basil Lewis, B N S King) Rebecca has to sacrifice the love of her life, Charlie, for her property â€Å"Waters Meeting†. Rebecca sacrifices everything she has in her life for Charlie, but little did Bec Know being with Charlie meant sacrificing her freedom and all the farming techniques she knew and loved all to live with Charlie and his Family. The â€Å"song butterfly kisses† is about a father who goes through his whole life taking care of his daughter and having her all to himself to love then he sacrifices her to be married. In this song the lyrics say she’ll make a promise, and I’ll give her away. Standing in the bride’s room just staring at her, she asked me what I’m thinking and I said ‘I’m not sure; I just feel I’m loosing my baby girl’. These lyrics explain exactly how the father feels. The movie, â€Å"Ring of Fire† is a very good example of love and sacrifice. After a serious bull riding accident Ely Braxton is told never to ride bulls again. Ely’s girlfriend Connie try’s to make Ely give up rodeo. Ely sacrifices Connie for his love of bull riding. Hank, Ely’s brother is getting together with Celia Jones. Ely accidentally steals Celia from Hank. Ely then realises what he has done and sacrifices Celia for Hank’s sake. In the end Hank makes the ultimate sacrifice (his life) while trying to save Ely from ... Free Essays on Love And Sacrifice Free Essays on Love And Sacrifice Good morning everyone. Today I am going to speak on love and sacrifice. My examples of love and sacrifice are from the book â€Å"Jillaroo† by Rachael Treasure, the song â€Å"Butterfly Kisses† by Bob Carlisle, and the movie â€Å"Ring of fire† produced by Paramount pictures. In the story â€Å"Jillaroo†, there are many forms of love and Sacrifice. Rebecca Saunders sacrifices her place on the family’s property â€Å"Water’s Meeting† to get away from her father. While working on a station in the Northern Territory as a Jillaroo, Rebecca falls in love with a man named Charlie Lewis (AKA. Basil Lewis, B N S King) Rebecca has to sacrifice the love of her life, Charlie, for her property â€Å"Waters Meeting†. Rebecca sacrifices everything she has in her life for Charlie, but little did Bec Know being with Charlie meant sacrificing her freedom and all the farming techniques she knew and loved all to live with Charlie and his Family. The â€Å"song butterfly kisses† is about a father who goes through his whole life taking care of his daughter and having her all to himself to love then he sacrifices her to be married. In this song the lyrics say she’ll make a promise, and I’ll give her away. Standing in the bride’s room just staring at her, she asked me what I’m thinking and I said ‘I’m not sure; I just feel I’m loosing my baby girl’. These lyrics explain exactly how the father feels. The movie, â€Å"Ring of Fire† is a very good example of love and sacrifice. After a serious bull riding accident Ely Braxton is told never to ride bulls again. Ely’s girlfriend Connie try’s to make Ely give up rodeo. Ely sacrifices Connie for his love of bull riding. Hank, Ely’s brother is getting together with Celia Jones. Ely accidentally steals Celia from Hank. Ely then realises what he has done and sacrifices Celia for Hank’s sake. In the end Hank makes the ultimate sacrifice (his life) while trying to save Ely from ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

10 Myths and Misconceptions About Bedbugs

10 Myths and Misconceptions About Bedbugs There are many misconceptions about the humble bedbug. Bedbugs (or cimicids) belong to a highly specialized family of insects that feed off the blood of humans, bats, and birds. The best-known members are the temperate-climate parasite Cimex lectularius (which means bedbug in Latin) and Cimex hemipterus, a tropical version. Bedbugs are the most widely recognized insect in the world. They are known to have fed on humans for more than 4,000 years- and probably much longer. Unfortunately, there are many myths about these tiny pests. If You Wake Up With Insect Bites, You Have Bedbugs Bedbugs tend to bite on locations that are exposed during sleep- the arms, legs, and back as well as the face and eyes. The insects prefer sites that lack hair, with a thin epidermis that provides access to plentiful blood. However, bedbugs are not the only nocturnal feeder on humans. Quite a few other arthropods could be the cause of bite marks, including fleas, mites, spiders, or even bat bugs. Also, many medical conditions cause rashes that look similar to bug bites. If the marks persist but you dont find signs of an infestation, consider a trip to the doctor. Are you the only one in your household waking up with bites? People react to bedbug bites differently, just as they do with mosquito and other insect bites. Two people can sleep on the same bedbug-infested mattress, and one will wake up without any signs of being bitten while the other will be covered in bite marks. Bedbugs Cannot Be Seen by the Naked Eye While bedbugs are pretty small insects, they arent microscopic. If you know where to look for them, you can definitely see them without the aid of a magnifier. The bedbug nymph is roughly the size of a poppy seed. Adults measure a bit larger than 1/8th of an inch, or about the size of an apple seed or a lentil. The eggs, which are just the size of a pinhead, are harder to see without magnification. Bedbug Infestations Are Rare Although bedbugs all but disappeared in developed countries in the 1930s and again in the 1980s, global bedbug infestations are increasing in the 21st century. Rises in bedbug activity have been seen on every continent except Antarctica. In the United States, bedbugs are reported in all 50 states, and an estimated one in five Americans either has had a bedbug infestation in their home or knows someone who has. Today, infestations are found in offices and retail environments, in health and transportation buildings, and even in movie houses: basically, anywhere people sleep or sit. Bedbugs Are a Sign of a Dirty House Although there is a great social stigma to having a bedbug infestation, bedbugs dont care how neat and tidy your house is, nor do they care if youre the best housekeeper on the block. As long as you have blood pumping through your veins, bedbugs will happily take up residence in your home. The same rule holds true for hotels and resorts. Whether a hotel has bedbugs has nothing to do with how clean or dirty the establishment is. Even a five-star resort can host bedbugs. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that clutter can make it much more difficult to get rid of bedbugs once theyre in your home- the mess gives the insects plenty of places to hide. Bedbugs Only Bite After Dark While bedbugs prefer to do their dirty work under cover of darkness, the light wont stop a hungry bedbug from biting you. In desperation, some people will try leaving all their lights on at night, hoping the bedbugs will stay hidden like cockroaches. All this will do is make you more sleep-deprived. Bedbugs spend most of their time hidden away. They only come out to feed once every three to seven days, usually from one to five a.m. They fully engorge themselves on your blood in 10 to 20 minutes, and then they go back to their hiding places to digest their food. After a meal, adult bedbugs may increase in length by 30 to 50 percent and in weight by 150 to 200 percent. Bedbugs Live in Mattresses Bedbugs do hide in the seams and crevices of your mattress. Since these nocturnal insects feed on your blood, it is to their advantage to live close to the place where you spend the night. But that doesnt mean bedbugs only live in mattresses. The insects also inhabit carpets and couches, dressers and closets, and even places where youd never think to look, such as inside picture frames and switch plate covers. Infestations can be extremely costly, resulting in multimillion-dollar damage in the hospitality industry, poultry industry, and private and communal households. Costs include payment for pest control, damage to social reputation, and replacement of infested clothing and furniture. You Can Feel a Bedbug Bite Bedbug saliva contains a substance that serves as a mild anesthetic, so when one bites you, it actually does you the favor of numbing your skin first. Its very unlikely that youd ever feel a bedbug bite when it happens. Reactions to bites vary from individual to individual. Some people have no reactions at all; often the bites start out as small indistinct lesions about two-tenths of an inch in diameter, which may develop into larger circular or ovoid welts. Some may grow as big as 2.5 inches in diameter. If there are a large number of bites, they can give the appearance of a generalized rash. They itch intensely, cause sleep deprivation, and can be associated with secondary bacterial infections as a consequence of scratching. Bedbugs Jump From the Floor to Your Bed Bedbugs arent built  for jumping. They simply dont have the legs for it as fleas and grasshoppers do. Bedbugs dont have wings, either, so they cant fly. They can only crawl for locomotion, so moving from the floor to the bed requires them to climb up a leg of the bed, or to scale belongings or furniture youve placed nearby. This can work to your advantage if youre battling bedbugs, as you can create barriers to keep them from climbing onto your bed. Cover the bed legs in double-sided tape, or place them in trays of water. Of course, if your bedspread touches the floor, the bedbugs will still be able to climb up, and the insects have also been known to crawl up the wall to the ceiling and then drop onto the bed. Bedbugs Transmit Diseases to People Although bedbugs can and do carry infectious diseases, there is little danger of the viruses being transmitted to humans. So far, scientists have found no evidence that bedbugs are capable of transmitting diseases to human hosts. For this reason, theyre considered a nuisance pest rather than a health threat. But even though they dont transmit diseases, bedbugs arent harmless. Some people experience severe allergic reactions to bedbug bites, and people who are bitten sometimes suffer from secondary infections. The emotional stress of dealing with a persistent bedbug infestation can also have a negative impact on your health. Bedbugs Can Survive a Year Without a Meal Technically, this is true. Under the right conditions, bedbugs have been known to survive as long as a year without a meal. Bedbugs, like all insects, are cold-blooded, so when temperatures drop, their body temperatures decrease. If it gets cold enough, bedbug metabolism will slow down, and theyll stop eating temporarily. However, it is highly unlikely that it would ever get cold enough in your home to trigger such a long period of inactivity. For practical purposes, then, this statement is false. At normal room temperature, a bedbug might go as long as two to three months without a meal, but thats about it.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Prison diversity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Prison diversity - Research Paper Example The two statistics that were conducted in 2003 and 2012 tells us a terrible tale of how racial oppression still exists in US. Despite the country having a African American president and black attorney general racial oppression still exist thus African men being jailed for petty incidences. Despite the efforts of activist like Martin Luther king, fighting racial oppression in the US still exists, and fighting for their rights seems to be rising now and then. Segregation exists in the United States, black and white scholars do not receive equal schooling fund but they are unequally shared indicating that racism is still being practiced in the education sector. African American The black American men are usually convicted for drug cases and the trends shows that though the number of African American is not so high they are about 52 percent if one compare between them Hispanic and white men. The white males are about 34 percent thus showing the racial oppression in most of American state s (Criminal Justice Sheet, 2013). Inequality still exist since drug cases in women are about 41 percent for female black American comparing with 24 percent of white female. For example, William Barnes who is an African American has been convicted for motor vehicle theft and Jones who is a citizen of America by birth was convicted for the same crime but the judge who presided over the their case was a white by the name Marvin Frankel. Jones who is a white and worked in a restaurant was sentenced to 6 months in jail comparing with William who was sentenced for 2 years in prison. This is a clear indication that it was not fair since the victims were convicted for the same thing and yet a different jail term. Racialism is still being practiced in court of laws oppressing the African American. Due to such kind of ruling, it is evident that one in three black males who are born in United States is expected to go to prison compared with one in every six Hispanic men and one white out of 17 who are likely to be incarcerated (Marc 1999). The issue of ethnicity is highly considered in US since if one is white or Hispanic is likely to be charged less stiffly comparing with the black American men. United Nation human rights activist has indicated that America is violating the international agreements in civil and political rights of African people thus need to review the agreement again. United nation human right committee have indicated that racial disparity in United States is in the criminal justice system and starts from arrest to trial and lastly to sentencing. The lawyers or the defendants are disadvantaged thus if an African is having one defendant, then a white is having two who are not approved by a public court. Hispanic men Latino male’s still face stiff sentence especially if they are not employed comparing with other offenders who are white men. Black and Latino defendants are mostly disadvantaged compared to white defendants when it comes to regal pro cesses. For example, when a lawyer defends black or Hispanic men they are more disadvantaged and even the case is not fairly listened comparing to a case where a white man is involved. Latino defendants are punished more severely compared to white defendants for crimes like drug and property crimes. This shows how race and inequality is practiced by

Friday, October 18, 2019

There are myths surrounding creativity. The intangible nature of Essay - 1

There are myths surrounding creativity. The intangible nature of creativity does not lend itself to easy definition - Essay Example It takes place generally when the recent product plan is really implemented (Thompson, 1965). The author favours this definition because it makes creativity or innovation tangible as well as measurable relatively than a theoretical concept. In organization, innovation is observed as a relating process consisting of different stages. First stage is expressed as the commencement stage where the new proposal is introduced, authorized, and established for adoption. Next stage is described as the implementation phase which comprises of the changes in the actual management that happens in the company, as the modernization is placed into operation (Rogers, 1983). The aim of the paper is to explain the hypothesis of different models and theories on innovation and to focus on the fact that how innovation is important for the organization. This model is projected by Eric Von Hippel, which explains the type of innovation whereby the users originates the changes as well as carry out distribution and production. This model could also be relevant to the physical products. Innovation is reasonably viable to handle without a producer if three circumstances are satisfied: the continuation of an inducement for the users to create or innovate; the continuation of an incentive in order to disclose innovations; and the probability to allocate innovations at the low cost. This model describes interesting patterns of innovation that have possibly existed in certain areas but have not been observed until now by the specialists of innovation (Haddon, 2006). It proposed that the manufacture as innovator postulation is wrong; a new means to classify investors has been planned. It explains that the innovation of product could initiate from any one of the three distinct sources i.e. users, producers and suppliers; who are also considere d as innovators (Edquist, Hommen and Tsipouri, 2000). The main consequence is that the ‘distributed innovation procedure’

TV show The First 48 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

TV show The First 48 - Essay Example This paper aims at gathering statistics of the number of homicides cases in New York City, United States. The First 48 Hours is an American documentary television series on A&E. This series has been filmed in various parts of the United States, and it offers an insight into the real –life of homicide investigators. The series often track the investigations to the end, and it focuses on the first forty-eight hours hence the title. In each of the episodes, there is one or more homicide in the diverse cities, which shows how investigators use witness evidence, forensic evidence, and other investigation skills to get the suspect. Most cases are solved in 48 hrs while others take the time to get solved. The First 48 was selected as the best distinguished documentary by the International Documentary Association but later lost to American Experience. In season 6, The First 48 was the highest rated factual Justice series on the television, and it gained important applause along with criticism. The purpose of this television show is to air the number of crimes that are happening in the Ne w York City. Statics shows that the First 48 Hours is one the most watched documentary with approximately 30 percent of the total television viewers. People are interested in this show to know the homicide is happening in the city and know the suspects. Nielsen Ratings are used to determine the size and composition of the audience watching a particular television show in United States. A Nielsen rating has become the primary source of measuring the audience watching a television show (Turnbull, 2005). The size of the audience who watch the series The First 48 Hours has been determined through Nielsen ratings. Nielsen ratings are gathered using two ways: Viewer diaries, where a target audience self-records the viewing habits. By aiming at different demographics, the collected statistical models provide a representation of the audience of the television

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Off The Job Behaviors Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Off The Job Behaviors - Case Study Example This case study discusses the issue of off-the-job behaviors and using real-life examples to analyze it properly. Firstly, the researcher discusses the Oiler’s employee rights, that were violated in his opinion because Oiler was a cross-dresser. As the lecture notes used in the case study explain, while there are contractual agreements and policies on employee’s fraternizing within an organization, there are no clauses by which an employee’s life outside the workplace is obligated to fall under the same rules. There is no indication in the case study of his behavior on the job being anything less than exemplary. He kept up his end of the bargain, but was not offered the same freedom from the opposite end. Then, the researcher explained the question on the topic of consequences of organizations that punish employees for certain off-the-job behaviors. The researcher states that organizations that punish employees for off-the-job behavior excessively are likely to f ace negative backlash over it. The reason being, there are a multitude of practices that employees engage in off the job, ranging from personal, social and religious preferences. The researcher also aims to answer the wuestion about Winn-Dixie, that is an organization that exhibits characteristics of progressive discipline or the hot stove approach. The researcher believes that the progressive discipline approach leads to the ultimate action of punishment, appropriately increasing in magnitude, but hot stove approach is further reinforced.

Selective Abortion Of Female Fetuses In India Creating Gender Essay

Selective Abortion Of Female Fetuses In India Creating Gender Imbalance Crisis - Essay Example Indian activists estimate that as many as 8 million unborn females were aborted over the past decade due to pressurization of mothers to produce only boys. Amendments in the present law seek to make families equally liable for selective abortion of female fetuses since they go to clinics performing sex-selection tests initiating the process of sex selection and female feticide. Although the overall abortion rate in India is lower than that seen in many other countries, selective abortion of girls is higher and on the rise since girls die at twice the rate of boys before they reach the age of five. In some Indian families, girls are seen as economic burdens for the family whereas boys can become earners and care for their parents when they become elderly. The high abortion rate of female fetuses has rendered a dramatic gender imbalance in India. A woman is blamed for producing a female child since she's not keeping the family name. She then faces desertion, discrimination and violence . If the mother go for abortion, she will too be threatened by her family and husband hence difficulties by the Indian government of whom to criminalize for the abortion. The fundamentals of female empowerment will be absolutely tampered with. Gender imbalance as a result of the abortions of female fetuses is also a menace in China. In India, there are 7.1 million fewer girls than boys up to the age of six while in China; boys are also more than girls by 32 million under the age of 20. This gender imbalance will lead to millions of men unable to get wives especially the poor. Indian government must therefore increase the value of women and girls in society in order to reduce selective abortion as stated by Dr. Raj. Selective abortion of female fetuses in India dates to the tradition of male preference. ... Male preference often focuses on economics whereby girls are viewed as economic burdens for their families whereas boys can become earners and provide for their respective families. Traditionally, boys are a source of protection and care to their parents when they become elderly whereas girls will care for the families of those they marry. A girl is often viewed as a financial burden in some Indian families because when a girl is married off, the families of the groom demand a dowry payment which is illegal in India but still widely practiced (Seguino 1228). As a result, this take of girl child in India has led to creation of gender imbalance due to selective abortion of female fetuses. According to reports of the Daily Telegraph newspaper of Britain, Indian activists estimate that as many as 8 million unborn females were aborted over the past decade due to the pressurization of mothers to produce only boys. A mother is therefore blamed for producing a female child and faces desertio n, discrimination and even violence to some extent for punishing the family. Census reports in India also show that over the 50 year period from 1961 to 2011, the number of girls born per 1000 boys dropped from 976 to 914 creating a dramatic gender imbalance (Seguino 1221-2). Since Indian men already outnumber women by almost 10 million, there is demand to abolish abortions which occur every day as stated by Uttar Pradesh. Indian government and authorities have launched the fight against selective abortion of female fetuses. Entire families who pressure their female relatives into aborting female fetuses may be imprisoned together with the medical professionals who perform ultrasound tests to determine a

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Off The Job Behaviors Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Off The Job Behaviors - Case Study Example This case study discusses the issue of off-the-job behaviors and using real-life examples to analyze it properly. Firstly, the researcher discusses the Oiler’s employee rights, that were violated in his opinion because Oiler was a cross-dresser. As the lecture notes used in the case study explain, while there are contractual agreements and policies on employee’s fraternizing within an organization, there are no clauses by which an employee’s life outside the workplace is obligated to fall under the same rules. There is no indication in the case study of his behavior on the job being anything less than exemplary. He kept up his end of the bargain, but was not offered the same freedom from the opposite end. Then, the researcher explained the question on the topic of consequences of organizations that punish employees for certain off-the-job behaviors. The researcher states that organizations that punish employees for off-the-job behavior excessively are likely to f ace negative backlash over it. The reason being, there are a multitude of practices that employees engage in off the job, ranging from personal, social and religious preferences. The researcher also aims to answer the wuestion about Winn-Dixie, that is an organization that exhibits characteristics of progressive discipline or the hot stove approach. The researcher believes that the progressive discipline approach leads to the ultimate action of punishment, appropriately increasing in magnitude, but hot stove approach is further reinforced.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

RYANAIR CASE ANALYSIS NOTES Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

RYANAIR CASE ANALYSIS NOTES - Coursework Example Threat of new entrant into the industry is extremely low. This is because large capital is required for other aircrafts to enter the market. Additionally, the period for required for other firms to market themselves, is long (Creaton, 3). Finally Europe is extensively industrialized therefore getting space to build a new airport may be impossible. Ryanair face relatively stiff competition from substitutes. There exist alternative and affordable methods of transportation like high-speed electric trains and ferries. Furthermore, a bigger population of Europe residents own personal cars. This means that they can easily switch to driving. Buyers bargaining power is medium. As with many businesses, customers are always sensitive to prices. If Ryanair increases its prices, customer will shift to other planes whose prices are lower. In other words, Ryanair has not worn its customer’s loyalty. The power of suppliers to Ryanair is extremely high. All aircrafts owned by the company are Boeing. If the manufacture of Boeing denies Ryanair its services, Ryanair will undergo extensive loss. Jet engine fuel is controlled by few companies in Europe. As a result, Ryanair controls it through hedging (Creaton, 8). Finally, regional may decide to increase their charges on planes. In order to avoid this, Ryanair has come up with policies that make them avoid such regions. Finally, there is stiff competition in the market. Other flight companies like Easyjet and Aer Lingus have also adopted the tactic of offering low cost to passengers. Since this low cost model may become a trend, Full Service airline may also imitate the model posing more competition to Ryanair. Through PESTEL framework, the political, economic, social cultural, technological, ethical and legal environment impacting Ryanair will be discussed. Political environment affecting Ryanair

Energy Drinks Essay Example for Free

Energy Drinks Essay Energy drinks are part of the human life nowadays especially to the younger generation. Like other activities such as smoking and drinking, the consumption of energy drinks also goes on increasing. Most of the energy drink manufacturers target the youths for their marketing strategies and hence the advertisements are mostly aimed at attracting the youths. Millions of dollars are spent for the energy drink advertisements. Most of the world famous celebrities like film actors/actresses and sports personalities are the brand ambassadors of energy drinks. Energy drink Advertisements The advertising campaigns are mostly ranges from extreme sports activities like, cliff-diving, surfing, windsurfing, snowboarding, racing, and break dancing to art shows, music, and video games. Most of the international cricket teams and football teams are sponsored by energy drink manufacturers like Red Bull, Pepsi, and Coca Cola. For example Pakistan cricket team was sponsored by Pepsi for a long period. Some of the American Football and Basket ball teams were sponsored by Red Bull. Some energy drinks manufacturers sponsor marathon races across the countries to promote their product. Their intention is to spread the brand awareness in two ways. First, they know that a marathon rays will cover a long distance across the country and hence it will attract many people. Second they know in sports like marathon race, the participants Energy Drinks 2 need lot of stamina and energy to complete the race. So they will utilize the stamina of a marathon racer to their advantages. â€Å"Energy drink slogans are as different as the drinks themselves, but they all work to appeal to the ideal consumer crowd. Energy drinks, unlike other beverages, are traditionally marketed to a very small, specific consumer group. For example, some energy drink brands focus on extreme sports enthusiasts, others cater to students and their energy needs, and still others try to attract the video game crowd. † (Facts expert) Mouth publicity is considered as one of the most effective marketing strategy and hence attractive slogans are used in the advertisements of energy drinks. Youths are especially very much interested in songs and slogans and they will give mouth publicity attractive to the songs or slogans which they may feel special. So the ad agencies are very keen in introducing some slogans in their marketing campaigns of the energy drinks. â€Å"If most energy drink slogans are responsible for a large part of a brand’s advertising, it is essential that they be catchy and memorable. Some of the drink names themselves act as slogans—either officially or unofficially—like Crunk and GoFast!. Because most energy drinks are appealing to the younger teenage and twenty-something generation† (Facts expert) The success of a slogan campaign lies in lyrics of the slogan. The slogan must be simple and easy to say. It should reflect the theme of the energy drink to attract the customers. The lyrics should be persuasive, attractive Energy Drinks 3 and it should motivate the target people to repeat it again and again. There should not be any abusive or dirty words in the slogan. It should ignite the minds of the target people so that they will be motivated to give mouth publicity to it and thereby the brand awareness of the energy drink will be increased. Youths are always interested in taking risks and also playing adventurous sports. They need things to be happened at a rapid pace. Because of their enthusiasm and the psychological level, they like fast life and like to have more energy in their veins. So they will participate in anything and consume anything because of the reasons mentioned above. Advices to the Marketers It is a good habit to utilize the possibilities of sports and games in the marketing of the energy drinks. The modern youths are experiencing lack of physical activities and hence most of them have obesity and overweight which result in lack of self esteem and other health related problems. The marketing campaign through sports activities will definitely improve the awareness about the physical activities which is essential for the modern world. So the energy drink manufacturers should continue the marketing campaign through sports activities. â€Å"Some of the energy ingredients in the variety of energy drinks include: Royal Gelly, (Honey bee byproduct), Ginseng (Herbal root very popular in Asia), Ashwaganda, (Member of the pepper family also known as Indian ginseng), Horny Goat Weed (Chinese plant), Skullcap (North American perennial herb), Energy Drinks 4 White Willow (North American tree bark, natural alternative to aspirin), Black Seed (Ancient herbal remedy in Asia, Africa and the Middle East), Guarana (Fruit vine found in Amazon Basin with a powerful caffeine bean), Taurine (A naturally occuring acid)Additionally, healthy ingredients such as green tea and fruit juices are being added to capitalize on the better-for-you trend. Green tea and pomegranates are some of the more obvious recent attempts to tie in products that are currently hot trends in healthy eating with a traditional energy drink. † (Agri-Food Trade Service) At the same time the energy drink manufacturers must improve their commitments to the society by enriching the energy drinks with some essential nutrient which is lacking in the modern fast food culture. Most of the essential vitamins required for the health are vanishing from the current food culture and hence the energy drink manufacturers must take that social responsibility to enrich their drinks with essential vitamins required for the health. â€Å"Energy drinks – usually a mixture of caffeine, taurine, carbohydrates, B-complex vitamins and gluconolactone – have become very popular in recent years† (Energy Drinks Do Not Help Maintain Alcohols Buzz) Some of the marketing techniques of the energy drink manufacturers include: Tension, stress relief, Sobering effects, Improved love life, Stamina, Reflexes, Alertness, Virility, and Stimulates metabolism (Agri-Food Trade Service) Neither of the above mentioned claims from the energy drink Energy Drinks 5 manufacturers are proved scientifically yet. But still they keep on using the same slogans in their ad campaigns to attract a specific segment of the society and they must think of stopping such slogans. Conclusions Most of the energy drink advertisements are misleading. The manufacturers offer so many things which will never materialize through the consumption of it. The ad campaigns utilizing sports activities will definitely create awareness about the physical activities among youths. The energy drink manufacturers must think of including certain essential vitamins in their drinks which is diminishing from the modern world due to fast food culture. They should stop utilizing caffeine like ingredients in their drink. Energy Drinks 6 Works Cited 1. Facts expert (2005), Drink Advertising and Energy Slogans, Retrieved on March 5, 2009 from http://energydrinks. factexpert. com/905-energy-drink-slogans. php 2. Agri-Food Trade Service (2008), The Energy Drink Segment in North America Retrieved on March 5, 2009 from http://www. ats. agr. gc. ca/us/4387_e. htm 3. Energy Drinks Do Not Help Maintain Alcohols Buzz, (2004) Retrieved on March 5, 2009 from http://alcoholism. about. com/od/college/a/blacer0409

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Liberal International Economic Order Economics Essay

The Liberal International Economic Order Economics Essay The issues of the environment were not in the minds of the framers of the Liberal International Economic order (LIEO) when they met together at Bretton woods towards the end of World War II. LIEO was focused on promoting peace after the post war and destroy the economic competition that was destructive to the relationship between the countries of the world. LIEO is the key to future stability, peace and security globally. Right after the end of the Second World War, the World Bank creation, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the International Monetary Fund established the foundations for the organization of a liberal trading order. These institutions promoted the state sponsored dedication to markets and ensured economic prosperities to the developing nations. Governments realized that liberal trading arrangements and efficiency of the market are essential prerequisites to realize the potential for the economic, political and social progress after Second World War. The expansion of the liberal trading order, the strength of the free market and the freeing of capital from domestic restrictions which was visualized by the framers of the Bretton Woods Institution took precedence over the provision of social development and on account of this people were left with the false promise that the efficiency in and of itself would produce political, social and environmental progress. Therefore even if the initial purpose was achieved, the numerous multilateral organizations created for the purpose of promoting a new LIEO has also created negative impacts. They have been instrumental in making the Governments exerting strong influence often with considerable but not with all the features of a centrally planned economy which is very much essential for the progress of a country. Therefore, the Governments must ensure that their actions do not affect the purpose of the Liberal International Economic order (LIEO). The United States of course played a vital role in the development of Liberal International Economic order (LIEO) the reason being as a dominant economy, it carried the primary burden of military defense for the entire free globe and it opened its huge market to foreign competition and free trade and it was able to and willing to carry on the burden of free trade as it was a powerful and rich country. At this point of time, the United States made the dollar a universally accepted parallel currency by fixing a relationship between the gold and the dollar and committed to exchanging at any point of time these two units. Therefore I believe that this regime could not have been developed without the influence of hegemony such as the United States. I do believe that the decline in United States influence signals a threat to the LIEOs continued existence because the United States was no longer considered the dominant economic power as before. This might prove a threat to the LIEOs existence as they mostly depend upon the United States as they do not have sufficient resources and most of the time the expertise they required and funded or supplied by the United States. There is a considerable loss of the dominance of dollar which signals a threat to the LIEOs existence because they were solely dependent on the currency of the United States for their functioning. The breakdown of hegemonic stability theory, collective goods, and free riders are as follows: Hegemonic stability theory: Identical to the materialization of hegemony, when a single nation rise to hold military and economical powers in a given situation along with the formation of international economic stability based on liberal principles which is a mixture of liberalism and mercantilism which paves the way for the elimination of fears is called as the theory of Hegemonic stability. Here, the mercantilists and realists hold common views that the key to global economic order is the balancing of power among competing state actors. Collective goods: Everyone has equal chances of deriving benefits in the case of collective goods. Irrespective of a persons contribution in the case of service or taxes in the military, national security is a collective good from which everyone within a country benefits. The majority of economists view an open international economy as a collective good. Free riders: Those who make the fullest use and exploit a common good are called as free riders. Imposition of trade restrictions by a nation and getting away from the negative impacts and thereafter deriving the maximum benefits from the free trade policies prevailing in other nations takes place with regard to free riders, But nevertheless, without rules and someone to enforce the rules, the cooperation required to maintain a common good is tedious to achieve. 7. International trade has contributed to the economic development throughout the industrialized world and blended the cultures and traditions of different countries together and contributed to the cooperation among different countries with regard to sharing of resources though exports and imports which helped to maintain a positive equilibrium. Even though the world trade is increasing at a faster pace and it is favorable according to the world trade economists, it still has its own negative sides after the global economic crisis that hit the world in 2008. The global economy suffered severe losses and it paved the way for unemployment which increased drastically throughout the world for the past two years. In spite of all these setbacks, the rules and principles of world trade organization have assisted governments in keeping the markets open is provided for the world trade as there is some considerable improvement in world trade. An economic policy which is meant to favor domestic producers of services and goods is called protectionism. I read an article the other day by David Leonhardt of the NYtimes which fundamentally proposed the idea that China has adopted the biggest policy of protectionism since the World War II by intervention and manipulation of the foreign exchange markets and by following strict measures of protectionism creating negative impact for itself and countries like the United States (David Leonhardt, 2010). When a nation is having protectionist policies, producers are protected against competition from the foreign firms with the help of import restrictions where as free trade is a policy where commodities are allowed to cross borders or boundaries without restrictions. The reason behind why some governments favor protectionism is, as soon as foreign commodities are made available in the domestic market, the domestic industries suffer heavy losses because the foreign goods are available at cheap prices or the producers who export commodities to other countries are able to keep costs low due to the subsidies of the foreign government. Therefore the governments hold the views that it can increase the demand and market for the domestic goods by closing the market to foreign producers and marketers and by imposing strict quotas and import tariffs so that the domestic economic situation doesnt get bad and derives maximum benefit. Even though protectionism is intended for protecting domestic companies, this is not always the case. There is also a darker side: companies will tend to use the old technologies and they will seldom take any initiatives to produce innovative products and there is no spirit of good competition. Countries that go by protectionism are often faced by export barriers or restrictions from other countries who give the same response to countries that go by protectionism. Inflation of prices for prices and commodities takes place and the domestic compani es may start fleecing the consumers by fixing their own prices when there are no foreign competitors. In order to maintain a balance of trade surplus, a country can make exports to the foreign sector which exceeds imports from there and a balance of trade surplus takes place for a country if its domestic economy produces commodities which are in high demand by other countries and purchased by foreign countries enabling the country to increase its exports, the value of which is greater than the value of imports produced by the foreign countries. Therefore a country must ensure that its makes maximum use of its own resources and after catering to its own need must ensure that there is no wastage and should find out the potential market abroad where there is high demand for its commodities which are lying in surplus. For example, Brazil is the colossal producer of coffee in the world and after catering to its own need in a substantial manner, it exports the rest to foreign countries thereby creating a favorable method to maintain balance of trade surplus. It has the capability of export ing huge quantity of coffee seeds which surpasses all other imports which will help it to maintain balance of trade surplus. The balance of payment imbalances needs to get cleared by the succeeding suitable methods for the purpose of maintaining a consistent balance of trade surplus. By making imports cheaper, the exports of a nation could be less competitive. This usually ends up in correcting the surplus of a current account which is also helped by the upward shift in the currency value of a nation. With the help of an agreement between the nations to fix their rates of exchange against each other, any disproportion that is taking place by rules based and changes in exchange rates which are negotiated could be sorted out. Fixed adjusting rates of exchange rates which is the systems of Bretton Woods is a crucial example of a rules based system. When a country adopts a regime of policy which centralizes currency decisions in the hands of a central government by controlling the movement of capital, discouraging imports and encouraging exports, such a policy is called as neomercantilism. Allowing more effective fiscal and monetary policy by increasing the level of foreign reserves is the goal of the policies of neomercantilsm. This is believed to provide greater control and autonomy to the government. Japan and Germany have been believed to have derived the maximum advantages of the neomercantilist trade policies. Most of the nations of the world always believe that the trade policies of neomercantalism always work for them and fail to notice its negative side. When every country starts following the neomercantilist trade policies, they discourage imports and start concentrating only on exporting. A nation definitely has the need to encourage imports when it is crucial for the welfare of the country and if majority of the nati ons follow this policy, the rest of the countries will follow the same and when they cut down imports, they are discouraging and preventing the other countries to export. The countries which follow this policy should observe the comparative advantages of both export and import. The way in which value can be created by trade for both parties even when one could produce all goods with fewer resources than the other is highlighted by comparative advantage. This encourages for the occurrence of gains of trade which can be beneficial to both the parties that is the country which exports its commodities to another country and the country which imports the commodities exported by the other country. Rationalization of neomercantilist trade policies is possible when there is cooperation among the countries involved in international trade. Developing countries need to participate more vigorously in trade negotiations during trade agreements with mutual trust and confidence with other nations.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

President McKinley :: Biography

President McKinley   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  William McKinley was born on January 29, 1843 in Niles, Ohio. Niles was a small town with no railroad and few wagon roads. He was the seventh child. When he was 9 years old they moved to Poland, Ohio. He went to the schoolhouse and then entered the local academy until he was 17.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When he was 18, he taught school and earned $25 a month. When vacation came he worked at the Poland post office. When the Civil War came, he enlisted. Shortly after he enlisted he was promoted to sergeant. When the war came to an end, he was a major at the age of 22.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He attended the Albany Law School and he joined a law firm in 1867. He was elected county prosecuting attorney. On January 25,1871 he married Ida Saxton. He campaigned for General Rutherford B. Hayes who was his commanding officer during the Civil War.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1876 he was elected to Congress and served 7 terms. He sponsored the tin industry and in 1896 he ran for president and won. He found that the gold in the Treasury was low and he worked on obtaining more gold for the Treasury.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  He passed the Tariff Bill and imports and exports increased. Hawaii asked for annexation to the United States. He sent the Treaty of Annexation to the senate but they rejected it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Reporting the stalemate between Spanish forces and revolutionaries in Cuba, newspapers screamed that a quarter of the population was dead and the rest suffering acutely. Public indignation brought pressure upon the President for war. Unable to restrain Congress or the American people, McKinley delivered his message of neutral intervention in April 1898. Congress thereupon voted three resolutions tantamount to a declaration of war for the liberation and independence of Cuba.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When the Battleship Maine was sunk, the United States declared war. During the 100 days of this war, the United States destroyed the Spanish fleet outside Santiago harbor in Cuba. Also, they seized Manila in the Philippines and occupied Puerto Rico.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After the victory in Manila Bay, Congress began to see the projected annexation of Hawaii differently. The Senate and the House of Representatives took a vote on making Hawaii a territory of the United States. It was passed in June by the House of Representatives and then in July by the Senate. In 1898, Hawaii became a territory of the United States.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  They abandoned the Nicaragua project in 1898 and started work on the

Friday, October 11, 2019

Social Networking: A Negative Influence on Young Adults Essay -- Socia

Social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Linked In have gained a widespread audience across the world. Although the original intentions of these social sites were positive, these mediums of social interaction now have negative effects. Young adults aged 14 – 26 are the demographic which make up the vast majority of social media users and thus are the most effected by social media. Social media has negative effects on young adults. The use of social media by young adults has harmful psychological effects, creates antisocial effects, and negatively consumes time. Social media has harmful psychological effects on young adults. Social websites generate cyber bullying, depression, and a lack of independence. Cyber bullying is extremely prevalent among young adult users of social media. Many young adults claim they â€Å"have seen more bullying over the internet than in real life† [6]. The prevalence of online bullying is attributed to the lack of consequences that follow. Cyber bullies tend to think that they will get away with their crime without any consequences and â€Å"81% of youth agree that bullying online is easier to get away with than bullying in person† [2]. Victims of cyber bullying have a lowered sense of self worth. This lowered sense of self worth has devastating effects: According to psychologist Anthony Pellegrini, Bullying is a specific form of aggression and one that is used deliberately to secure resources like friends, self-esteem, and self worth. Sites like Facebook and MySpace make this easy through public posts and retaliations that encourage other mutual â€Å"friends† to join in. In fact, peer to peer harassment and bullying is the most common disadvantage to these sites. â€Å"This is where students are finding their identity and terrorizing each other. Cyber bullying is contributing to a generation of socially maladjusted adults and social networking sites are paving the way. The hostile environments on these sites have helped cause this generation of girls to become superficial and cutthroat by behaving more like or worse than boys." This electronic meanness can lead to depression and more serious, suicide. [3] Bullying has been made widespread through social media and has been the root of many suicides in young adults. Suicide as a result of bullying is so widespread that â€Å"every  ½ hour a youth who has been bullied will complete suic... ... adults become aware of these hazardous effects and take action to combat them. Works Cited 1. Cherry, Kendra. "What Is the Social Comparison Process?"  Psychology. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2015. 2. "Cyberbullying Statistics." Statistics. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2015. 3. Gilliam, Natalie. "The Potential Dangers of Social  Networking."  The Potential Dangers of Social Networking. N.p., 30 Mar. 2011. Web. 17 Apr. 2015. 4. Kulbarsh, Pamela. "Bullycide: Suicide as a Result of Bullying." N.p., 11 Jan. 2012. Web. 17 Apr. 2015. 5. Lauritsen, John. "Is There A Link Between Social Networking And  Depression?"  CBS Minnesota. N.p., 17 Feb. 2011. Web. 17 Apr. 2015.    6. Nelson, Cordelia. "Free Executive Summary."  Negative Effects of Social Networking. N.p., 1 Apr. 2013. Web. 17 Apr. 2015. 7. Pagliarini, Robert. "Is Social Networking Bad for You?"  CBSNews. CBS Interactive, 2009. Web. 17 Apr. 2015. 8. "The Effects of Social Media on Teenagers."  SociallyActive. N.p., 22 Nov. 2012. Web. 17 Apr. 2015. 9. Turkle, Sherry. "The Flight From Conversation."  The New York Times. The New York Times, 22 Apr. 2012. Web. 17 Apr. 2015.   

Gender role Essay

â€Å"Bros before hos, The guy code†, is a piece by Michael Kimmel, published on the Anthology portable legacies on 2009; On this piece Kimmel explains what The guy code is and how these code defines guys masculinity in today’s society and how society expects guys to behave. Kimmel also explains that young boys are taught these rules by a male figure in their lives at a very young age and they grow up with the pressure of having to follow these rules no matter what. The guy code is a collection of rules, traits and values that make a man. â€Å"What is a man?† was the question asked to teenagers in their late teens and early 20’s. Where their answers were things like: â€Å"Boy’s don’t cry†, â€Å"Don’t get mad – Get even†, â€Å"Take it like a man†, and many more. Kimmel then proceeds and gives the four rules that have been summarized by Robert Brannon, a social psychologist of the 1970s. Some of these rules are: â€Å"No sissy stuff!†, â€Å"Be a Big Wheel†, â€Å"Be a Sturdy Oak†, â€Å"Give ’em Hell†. (655) These rules supposedly define masculinity and that one a man disobeys those rules, the risk is being bullied with words like â€Å"fagot† and â€Å"gay† that are used as an insult to describe a man’s weakness. The guy code also creates competition between most men, from playing the best sports, better jobs, pretties girl, nicer cars, etc. and it has been like this from a long time ago due to men wanting the power, respect, and that image of being better than the other man. Creating the image that all men are supposed to be unemotional, powerful and successful beings. Kimmel also claims that in the future, the guy code causes social and psychological problems for boys and young men. Renteria 2 Men have been taught this guy code ever since they were young boys; their uncles, grandpas, dad, coaches, peers or any male figure in a mans life are the ones that start tell little boys to â€Å"man up† or â€Å"don’t cry† and is no longer able to cry or show emotion, leading to their behavior in the future. The little kids learn to always hold in their emotion and to never show weakness. Kimmel then gives an example of how boys are introduced to the guy code: A three year old boy that was crying at the barbershop because he was burnt by hot chemicals. The barber said to the boys dad, he was a wimp for crying and he needed to stay away from his mom and the boys dad decided after that, his child was spending more time with him and less time with his mother because he was scared of his son  being a mamas boy. (659) As a child grows up and parents push them to be strong and tough by keeping them away from their mothers nurturing. Kimmel also talks about the â€Å"Gender Police† that is basically other guys around them who watch and judge how they act , what they wear and say even how they walk because with a little natural swing on their hips they could be called a â€Å"fag† making homosexuality seems as a weakness. The gender police makes them feel like they are ust waiting for someone else to screw up, for someone to wear something pink or acting a little bit feminine. and just putting standards for each other, forcing themselves and guys around them to create a fake cover where they act rough and manly around each other. This judgments make man feel like they are being watched because of the fear of being ridiculed and humiliated by their peers. Kimmel said that men are more about what other men think about them; however the judgment from girls because as a girl the social media taught us to be attracted to tough guys,for example in any Disney movie where the superhero is the dependable, ric h, handsome, muscular guy who takes care and provides everything for the girl, creating an idea that masculinity is success, wealth and power. Renteria 3 Peers are another big influence and problem of this â€Å"guy code†. Another example from the article is about Don,a former Lehigh College football player, who discuses the effects of always having to put up a front and act tough in front of his teammates and his coaches. He says that his coach would always make fun of or humiliate any one of his players for showing any sign of weakness or fatigue. Don says â€Å"I’m sure he thought he was building up our strength and ability to play, but it wore me out trying to pretend all the time, to suck it up and just take it.†(656) If a guy doesn’t follow the rules in the guy code he will be criticized by other man, often times bullied, and lose friends which leads to low self-stem. Men are scared of what other men will say or think about them regardless of the situation. While the Guy Code may have been meant to make men stronger it causes more harm than good turning out more self destructive in the end It causes them to grow up thinking that showing emotion is never an option, which leads them to depression, and emotion issues, aggression towards themselves and the ones around them. Kimmel’s article is really good, since it talks about a topic that need to be discussed more; it gives examples and  even talks about of where the problem begins; but it still seems quite limited to me since as Kimmel explains what the guy code is, it still does not apply to all man, for the reasons that for some guys, the guy code is just a challenge or a phase where they learn how to express their emotions, also the question that were being asked only cover white middle class man that live in a certain area, In America there’s a great variety of immigrants coming from places all around the world, also if Kimmel had questioned people from a less homophob ic part of the country, then there would be a better chance of getting a more gender equal survey. Work cited Kimmel, Michael. â€Å"Bros before hos, The guy code.† Anthology Portable Legacies 2nd edition. Ed. Jan Zlotnik Schmidt and Lynne Crockett. Boston, MA, 2009. 654 – 669. Print.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Understand How To Safeguard The Wellbeing Of Children And Young People

There is much more to Safeguarding than just protecting children from direct abuse. Any service that works with children and young people knows that they have a much wider responsibility than simply protecting the children from neglect and abuse. An action plan was put in place by Her Majesty’s Government called the ‘Stay Safe’ action plan, and it identifies a number of important features in the wider view of safeguarding including:†¢Keeping children safe from accidents†¢Crime and bullying – This could be helping victims of crime and also helping those that commit crime. This could also be witness's that need support Bullying could be racially motivated, cyber, text. Making sure that children and parents are given the information to protect themselves†¢Forced marriages†¢Missing children – This aims to develop an action plan to put the principles set out in The Children’s Society recommendations into action, to initiate an e arly review of emergency accommodation provision, to consider how local authorities can best provide safe places and ‘breathing spaces’ for young runaways; and revise the Missing from Home and Care guidance, in conjunction with the review of the Children Act 1989 regulations and guidance.†¢Actively promoting their welfare in a healthy and safe environment – The Staying Safe action plan states that it is important that everyone (parents, practitioners, government) work together to create the healthiest, safest environment possible for children and young people to access wherever they are, whether they’re at home, school/nursery, on public transport or just outside playing. It is everyone’s responsibility to create this safe environment so that all young people can achieve and are getting the best support possible.The Staying Safe consultation document set out three levels of safeguarding: †¢Universal safeguarding – Working to keep al l children and young people safe and create safe environments for all children†¢Targeted safeguarding – Some groups of children are more at risk than others, and it is important to target policies and services to these groups, to help keep them safe from harm†¢Responsive safeguarding – Unfortunately, no matter what we do, there  will always be some children and young people who suffer harm. We need to respond quickly and appropriately when this happens – supporting children and dealing with those who harm them.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Reasons Women Choose Abusive Partners Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Reasons Women Choose Abusive Partners - Thesis Example The violence that is mostly gender based denies the rights that can be enjoyed by women. This violates a woman's personality in such a way that she is unable to function properly thus becoming mentally paralyzed and eventually they end up being abused by men. 2. Women of all standards and backgrounds are vulnerable to violence whereas there are some who are more likely to be the victims of violence. This includes young and immature women, disable or financially weak women. Women who are of ethnic and racial minorities also face problems related to violence. 3. The law and government also play a significant role in the violation of women. Enough rights are not granted to women due to the racial and sex discrimination. They are often arrested for invalid reasons whereas the same attitude is not maintained with the aboriginal people. This is the biggest example of racial discrimination. These women are more likely forced to lead their lives with abusive partners.1 4. The victims have to face the trauma of the entire violence themselves and also the sexism that is associated with the process of holding their victims accountable. Ultimately they give up on their lives and end up on streets waiting for the cabs or buses that would leave them on the mercy of violent people. They choose abusive partners and houses with inadequate security since they are left with no other choice than this. They grudgingly depend on the people who trade them for sex and are most importantly their bosses. 5. Those women who are subordinate, socially or economically an immigrants and refugees also face these problems. Refugees are mostly confined to domestic or hectic work for which they are paid very less. They are not aware of their legal rights and are often threatened that their rights would be confiscated and they would be deported in case they report violence. Women are often sexually harassed and do not have any kind of support whatsoever. Due to this they end up on streets and are ultimately paired with abusive partners so as to finance themselves economically. 6. Women who are victims of sexism are bound to face the violence problems and are subjected to drugs and abusive company which leads them even further into the darkness an devils of this process.2 B. Purpose of the study The purpose of this study is to have a look into the victims' life, carefully study and analyze and then seek for the appropriate solution. This entire process is adopted so as to free the women from their miseries and horrible past so that they can acquire their legal rights and lead a respectable life. Women abuse and violation has been a part of our society since ages. Women have been victims of violence, hatred, abuse etc. and its increasing day by day. A lot of women have turned up and expressed their views about their past while some still tend to remain quiet about it. Be it due to their partner's fear or due to the society. Women are being forced to choose abusive partners and this has been a persistent problem and there is a dire need that this problem be identified at the roots, analyzed and solved. C. Guiding questions There are a number of questions relevant to women violence which dominate our society. It is very important to look deeply into the problem and carefully

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The History and Social Responsibility Initiatives of Harley Davidson Research Paper

The History and Social Responsibility Initiatives of Harley Davidson - Research Paper Example The paper tells that many of today’s large multinational brands were once established as a small upstart or lucrative business form, but their entrepreneurs transformed the same to Fortune 500 or world’s first class brand by continuously developing better business ideas, discovering further new business opportunities and seizing the same. The history of Harley-Davidson is similar to that of a fascinating tale as it involves the vision of two young engineers who started their own business. Its history goes back to 1903 when young entrepreneurs- William Harley and Arthur Davidson- discovered the business opportunity for basic transportation and developed a bicycle frame with French-designed single cylinder gasoline engine to provide a vehicle for the customers to meet the basic transportation need. Neither William Harley nor Arthur Davidson had any big dream of a manufacturing company, but they, in fact, we're thinking to produce an outboard motor for their own purpose to reach their favorite fishing spots easily. In 1903, they built the first production of Harley-Davidson with the help of a more powerful motor. William Harley began in the bicycle business and Arthur Davidson trained as a pattern maker with help of another draftsman, they worked together and brought the premier machine that was basically a bicycle frame fitted with a single-cylinder four-stroke machine. Harley-Davidson’s first machine production was complete by the summer of 1903. It was not a just loop-frame bike, but a more primitive vehicle with the quite smaller engine attached to the pedal bicycle frame. The second machine was more advanced than its first one, because, its loop-frame model was a natural trap for the unwary and careless people. Within three years after the first motor is produced, Harley Davidson Company became known in its way to prosperity as it increased production of motors to around 50 motorcycles. Until 1906, the company had only a backyard shed for production processes, but Harley and Davidson expanded the manufacturing plant to nearly 2400 square feet of plant space. Before 1910, the brand attained wider popularity for efficient construction, user-friendly motorcycle, durability and so on. As Holmstrom noted, after 1908, Harley Davidson began to veer from the facts for marketing purposes. Though there were two different machines in design and outlook, their identities turned to make them the single machine. The company grew to achieve several recognitions of excellence in business and marketing landscape. In 1942, Arthur Davidson recalled the growth of the company- Harley Davidson grew just like Topsy with luck, but it was not just that luck because management strategies and effective decision making helped the company stay stronger for years. Harley Davidson redesigned its engineering by changing the front frame down-tube to straight from its previous styles and designs. The 1911 single model was made with the increased cap acity of using gasoline by enlarging the tank capacity to store around 2 gallons of gasoline.